
Monday 22 August 2011

Open letter to the citizens of the Republic of Egypt

Our neighbors the citizens of the Republic of Egypt,

To support the Peace keepers,
print the post, sign it
and fax it to the
Egyptian Ambassador to Israel
Along with the wave of the Arab nations uprising for liberation, many Israeli’s have held hands in hope for your success. We’ve seen you in the “Tahrir” city-square, united in your struggle for liberation from poverty, from corruption and from denial of the freedom of speech, we’ve seen your uprising demonstration and we’ve hoped for your victory.

Cleaning oppression, corruption, poverty and the denial of freedom of speech are common values all people who walk the face of the earth should hope for, as these values are universal and common to all of us.

Same as the Tunisian, Algerian, Lybian, Bahrainian, Yemmens, Morrocans, Jordanian & Syrian, also Israeli’s are demonstrating in the Israeli cities for nearly 2 months already, within the struggle to clean the Israeli corruption and eliminate poverty.

Human liberation brethrens all around the world are marching in the streets with a common goal as a vision: liberating mankind from the chains of oppression, poverty & corruption. Our joint conscience is widening and expanding as we all rise up in our countries and close the gap towards truth of defeating corruption & poverty.

As the Egyptian government exploited your national assets of gas & oil through deprivation of your privileges to capitalize on its fruits, we Israeli’s face the same reality with the exact same pattern, when greedy Israeli’s do the same with us.

Exploitation and deprivation, just as well as poverty, oppression and terror, know no limits and no borders between nations and countries.

This message to you carries a voice of peace and hope for your victory as you struggle for your liberation. Since 1978, for almost 35 years, the border between us was peaceful and allowed thousands of soldiers, on both sides of the border, to live their life, raise decent and peaceful families, instead of dying in battlefields of bloodshed serving only armor merchants and blood drainers.

Through that open border, not only your gas & oil went through, and that open border served not only exploitation & deprivation. Through that border Israel also allowed thousands of refugees and political asylums from all over Africa’s slaughtering regimes, and gave them a fair chance to live decent and peaceful life.

Through that open border winds of peace have blown the Sinai sands through tourism and millions of Israeli’s came in for local cultural exchange. Through that border we’ve prevented the death envoys from blood vintage, and thousands of Egyptian & Israeli soldiers have lived and survived through what otherwise would have been a bloody border of needless wars.

Thousands of children are alive today thanks to the Peace agreement and the avoidance of wars, and if we remain wise with our response to the recent events, the peace generation, on both sides of this open border, will have the privilege to raise their own families and continue to raise a generation to live by the creeds of God and the prophets.

Through that border, we’ve proven, jointly, both our nations together, that leaders talks maybe open the doors, but peace is created by common people, and that it is possible to live differently, and that we do not have to die in the name of God, but we can also live in the name of God.

And while this open border remained safe and stable, despite the absence of a curly spike needle fence, and while we were all busy with eliminating poverty and corruption on both sides of the border, the terrorists came between us and jeopardized the blessing of the open border. Terrorists came between us with an attempt to spark the fire of hatred and conflict, doing their best effort to pull Israeli’s against Egyptians, and Egyptians against Israeli’s.

This letter to you is written in response to the tragic events imposed, on all of us, by terrorists along our mutual open border, whereby the terrorists have initiated a vicious attack on Israeli citizens, shooting them to death from within the sovereign territory of the Egyptian republic. The infringement of the Egyptian sovereignty by these terrorists, have brought to the unjust deaths of Israeli civilians & soldiers, as well as Egyptian soldiers.

The infringement of the Egyptian sovereignty by these terrorists, has placed a great burden on your civil uprising and your justified struggle against oppression, poverty & corruption, and at the same time it has imposed a great burden on the Israeli’s struggling for the same civil liberation from poverty & corruption.

Indeed, following the “Lotus” revolution, President Mubarak no longer holds the steering wheel of your country, but your struggle continues while your country is being lead by the same group of interest and army generals who served Mubarak.

By now, if this chain of events keep on along the terrorists line, even your corrupted generals no longer hold the steering wheel of your country, but rather the blood thirsty terrorists whom are pushing you to abandon your rightful demand for civil-commercial justice, for elimination of poverty and oppression, along with the corruptions and exploitation. The terror has seized the steering wheel and is navigating your country to the wrong battle, to a battle that doesn’t serve your interests, doesn’t serve your economy nor does it serve your social justice.

Diverting the Egyptian nation back towards hatred and bloodshed mean that the reality of Egyptian poverty and corruption are a reality that the Egyptian nation is willing to accept and live by.

That reality not only sentences you to live in the shadows of corruption, poverty & oppression, but is also means that you agree to bleed your blood in needless wars for the sake of the terrorists quest, and at the same time you allow the corruption to deepen its grip over your national treasures at the same time you are sent to die in battlefields of blasphemy.

This is a call addressed to the Egyptian nation, to the same nation which conquered the “Tahrir” square, with a united and unanimous loud voice calling an end on long years of oppression, corruption and poverty, to the same nation which made a choice for over 35 years of life, and for the same nation whom have decided that living life is good, but living without oppression, without corruption and without poverty is even better.

This message is to the Egyptian nation.

Not for the sake of the Israeli nation whom is keen to preserve the peace agreement with you, and whom is struggling the same as you to end corruption and poverty.

Not for the sake of any other nation, nor for any other person, but rather only for the sake of your own Egyptian interest.

You have chosen right.
You have chosen not to go to war and not to give up in vain on your right to live.
You have chosen not to surrender to the evil of poverty and corruption.
You have chosen to live, and you have chosen to live well.

Like the Jewish prophets, also the prophet Mohammed has left you a divine decree:
And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace,
Quran 25:63-67

And if not for the sake of peace, and if not for the sake of God, and if not for the sake of his prophet Mohammed, then maybe for the sake of the children born for peace, and are not destined to die at war.
Your children are not your children, they are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself, although they are with you, yet they belong not to you…
Gibran Khalil Gibran.

And when you strive through your rightful victory to succeed in eliminating the officers oppression, the corruption and poverty, let’s meet in the place where the land was once saturated with blood, and let’s have a “Tahrir” coffee as a toast for peace.

Link to the Hebrew version

If you feel committed to this message of Peace, print it, sign it and fax it to the Egyptian Embassador in Israel: +972 (0)3 5441615 

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